Distances: Atlantic Lives, 1996-1997

“I imagine Mark, Virginie, Isabelle, BĂ©atrice, all of us, our loves, all old together remembering we were young once and how good life has been.” ~ ValĂ©rie

“Did Mr. Jefferson visit Beirut?” ~ Isabelle

“I think sometimes of some of the moron guys who I was in high school with. Well, you imbeciles should only see who’s in my apartment here. That’s right, Paris. I win.” ~ James

“Cousin Elsy? I haven’t seen her since I was two? I thought she was dead?” ~ Juliette

“Fiction comes from fact, and lots of fact makes great fiction when you re-write it as fiction.” ~ Bill

“Is that an invitation for me to come upstairs for the night?” ~ Clémence

Distances: Atlantic Lives, 1996-1997, is the 3rd volume of R. J. Nello’s intimate tale, sharing the stories of families, friends and lovers in Europe and America.



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